Past Events

Punctuated Equilibria Paradigm and Security in the Modern World
Punctuated Equilibria Paradigm and Security in the Modern World
Since the 1970s, the theories of punctuated equilibria and multiplier effect have been gaining importance and significance, including to militaries around the world. Developed versions adapted to complex societies may be considered one of the most promising and strategic avenues of research in socia...

flynnwbSenior Fellow and retired Marine Corps Lieutenant General, George Flynn, was recently interviewed on the current state of military readiness. Speaking to The Cipher Brief, a digital defense security platform, LtGen Flynn outlines opportunities and challenges specific to the Corp’s readiness. In Marine Corps Readiness: Meeting the Challenges While Mitigating the Risks, he defines readiness as the ability of military forces to accomplish assigned missions. As an expendable commodity, it “takes time to build and can be expended faster that it can be regenerated, and it is also often in competition with much needed modernization efforts.” LtGen Flynn says this is the context of the readiness challenge faced today. In the interview, he discusses risk, needs, equipment and training, naval partnership, and what needs to be done to build the future force. 

Read the full interview here.

The Cipher Brief is a digital, security – based conversation platform that connects the private sector with the world’s leading security experts.

Currently LtGen Flynn is the Director of the Center of Adaptation and Innovation (CAI) at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies. The Center was established to assist senior defense leaders grappling with the most demanding issues and problems posed by a complex and uncertain security environment.