Past Events

Punctuated Equilibria Paradigm and Security in the Modern World
Punctuated Equilibria Paradigm and Security in the Modern World
Since the 1970s, the theories of punctuated equilibria and multiplier effect have been gaining importance and significance, including to militaries around the world. Developed versions adapted to complex societies may be considered one of the most promising and strategic avenues of research in socia...

THINK BIG argues that innovation in science and technology are the keys to American economic strength and national security. Rather than a return to the infrastructure, economy, and healthcare systems of the past, the report calls for a vision for the future.

The report urges the new Administration to 1) develop policy based on the best available science and 2) use policy to foster the development of science and technology. The science and technology investment priorities identified in the THINK BIG report for the next Administration include:

· America’s Future Infrastructure
· Fostering American Industry Leadership
· Revolutionizing Medicine
· Climate Engineering

Download the full PDF here.

