
Hathaway19Unintended Digital Transformation

Melissa Hathaway, Member, Board of Regents and Senior Fellow discusses our unintended digital transformation within cyber security, critical infrastructures, and services in our current environment at Secureworks. Listen to the Rapid Digital Transformation: Is the World Ready to Succeed in the Next Wave? Are You? podcast here.

Melissa Hathaway, leading expert in cyberspace policy and cyber security, brings a multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional perspective to strategic consulting and strategy formulation for public and private sector clients. She developed a unique methodology for evaluating and measuring national levels of preparedness for certain cyber security risks, known as the Cyber Readiness Index (CRI). She has served in two U.S. presidential administrations, spearheading the Cyberspace Policy Review for President Barack Obama and leading the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative (CNCI) for President George W. Bush. At the conclusion of her government service, she received the National Intelligence Reform Medal in recognition of her achievements.