
GCP1Global Competition Part I, October 2021

The inaugural event of the Potomac Institute’s Global Competition Project introduced several serious questions about the role and posture of the United States, inviting an animated discussion on a variety of topics important to the Institute’s work. These discussions focused on exploring what the United States should do in the future to lead and compete effectively on the world stage, especially given the dynamics of a tightly interwoven global economy and the technology-driven, wide proliferation of information.

The event allotted an opportunity for distin- guished members from across the Potomac Institute community to contribute expert insight on a range of topics that challenge the nation’s competitive stance. Topics ranged from contem- plating the implications of an exploding U.S. national debt to how COVID-19 related supply chain disruptions highlighted the United States’
reliance on foreign powers, to elevating how crucial STEM education is to ensuring U.S. leadership and prosperity in the future.

Speakers and participants also touched on the importance of honing the true nature of competition between the United States and China, and in what areas – economic, or from a military viewpoint, for example. While concluding the Chinese government is truly at odds with American values and our conception of free enterprise, not to mention other aspects of our culture and society, it was recognized that we must strive to understand each other better so we can all thrive, moving forward.

This GCP inaugural event was just the beginning, the foundation for a series of papers and events in months ahead that elevate and explore these challenging issues deeper in the context of the Institute’s overall mission.


Click here for more Information about the Global Competition Project