The Potomac Institute for Policy Studies is an independent, 501(c)(3), nonprofit science and technology policy think tank that has a robust and long running internship program. Excellence in research and objective analysis is the motto for the program. The Potomac Institute Internship Program (for undergraduate, graduate, or recently graduated students) hosts interns with a variety of academic backgrounds that relate to the science, technology, and national security missions of the Institute. The Institute strives to provide a versatile experience for each internship participant. Each intern will work with the Intern Coordinator to identify an independent research project that falls within the Potomac Institute's mission. Interns can and will be encouraged to draw upon expertise for their research projects from the staff of the different academic centers, Senior Fellows and/or staff within program divisions at PIPS. Some unique qualities of the program are policy research, school credits, seminars and conferences, publication acknowledgements, and networking.
The International Center for Terrorism Studies (ICTS) educates policymakers and the public in general on the nature and intensity of the terrorism threat in the 21st century. ICTS has sponsored, co-sponsored, and participated in hundreds of seminars, briefings, and conferences in the United States, the United Kingdom, France, India, Israel, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Japan, Sri Lanka, Turkey, and Ukraine. In addition, ICTS has published over 40 books and numerous reports on topics including Super Terrorism: Biological, Chemical, and Nuclear; Terrorism and the Law; terrorist group profiles of ETA (Spain) and Usama bin Laden's al-Qaida; Terrorism: U.S. Perspectives; Information Warfare and Cyber-Terrorism; Terrorism and Business; and Legal Aspects of Terrorism in the United States.
Internship Description: internship responsibilities include research assistance, conference coordination, editorial and publication assistance, and database development.
Intern Duties: monitoring developments and conducting research on terrorism and counterterrorism over the past two decades, peace processes, regional insurgencies and ethnic conflicts, terrorism and law, etc., developing and maintaining a database on terrorism and regional developments; compiling bibliographies and chronologies, and summarizing research materials as directed; collecting and assembling data; copy editing and proofreading; providing a full range of administrative support to ICTS (95% research based, 5% administrative support).
Requirements: 3.0 or higher GPA with a background or interest in terrorism, ethnic conflict, political violence, international affairs, history, public policy, computer science and law are preferred, though others accepted. Foreign language and international experience are desired. Candidates should have relevant research, writing and editing experience, excellent organization and communication skills, strong MS Office and Internet research skills, and the ability to prioritize a heavy workload. Professional attire is expected. Interns are expected to work at least 4-5 days a week for Spring, Summer, and Fall semesters.
- Application: To apply for the internship position, please send a complete application package via email to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , including:
1. A letter of interest
2. Current resume
3. One to two-page writing sample
4. Unofficial transcript
5. Two letters of recommendation
Applications should be sent by the following deadlines:
Semester Deadline
Spring (January to May) November 20
Summer (May to September) March 20
Fall (September to December) July 20