Course Details
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
1:00pm-4:00pm followed by Networking Reception 4:00PM-5:30PM
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Location: Potomac Institute Ballston Headquarters (Arlington, VA)
Exclusively designed for business executives and leaders working in private equity, venture capital, hedge funds, alternative investment funds to explore current economic statecraft activities impacting the public and private sectors. Geopolitical rivals have weaponized economics to gain strategic competitive advantages against the U.S. in recent years. Much of their activity takes place below the threshold of war, yet still vitally threatens national security and prosperity, manifesting as disinformation, deliberate supply chain disruption, and economic manipulation and coercion. Left unchecked, these activities lead to vulnerabilities in key U.S. industries and markets, reduced trust in institutions, and threaten the very threads of society. Experts from government, industry, and academia will share how they view asymmetric economic threats, what they are doing about it, and how policymakers and the private sector can collaborate to ensure a secure and prosperous future.
Session Descriptions
Mr. Frank Finelli & Dr. Tim Welter
This session will set the stage for the course with an introduction to contemporary economic statecraft, what the threat is, and why CEOs and VC executives should care. It will introduce disconnects between the motivations of business executives (growth and returns, predictable markets, stability) and the practical realities of contemporary economic statecraft. How does the US balance pursuit of prosperity and security to ensure competitive advantage?
Course Agenda

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Read the Companion Piece
The 2024 Economic Statecraft Summit Report
Course Director