Past Events

Punctuated Equilibria Paradigm and Security in the Modern World
Punctuated Equilibria Paradigm and Security in the Modern World
Since the 1970s, the theories of punctuated equilibria and multiplier effect have been gaining importance and significance, including to militaries around the world. Developed versions adapted to complex societies may be considered one of the most promising and strategic avenues of research in socia...

The Blue Ribbon Study Panel on Biodefense released its report, A National Blueprint for Biodefense: Leadership and Major Reform Needed to Optimize Efforts, in October 2015. The report identifies capability gaps and recommends changes to U.S. policy and law to strengthen national biodefense while optimizing resource investments. The panel is co-chaired by former Sen. Joe Lieberman and former Gov. Tom Ridge, who are joined by former Secretary of Health and Human Services Donna Shalala, former Sen. Tom Daschle, former Rep. Jim Greenwood, and the Hon. Kenneth Wainstein.

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