Past Events

ICTS Seminar - Terrorism and the Media: Dilemmas for Government, Journalists, and the Public
ICTS Seminar - Terrorism and the Media: Dilemmas for Government, Journalists, and the Public
Potomac Institute for Policy Studies International Center for Terrorism Studies April 20, 2017 The role of the press in reporting on terrorism has been under public debate for decades. Many issues have been considered, including whether the media encourages terrorism and whether governments shoul...
International Cooperation in Combating Terrorism
International Cooperation in Combating Terrorism
The current deteriorating Middle East security architecture gravely challenges the international community more than ever before. The lingering crisis of national identities coupled with escalating extremism and violence is resulting in unprecedented social, economic, and strategic costs. These regi...
ICTS Seminar-Latin America’s Security Outlook: Challenges and Opportunities in the Post-Castro Era
ICTS Seminar-Latin America’s Security Outlook: Challenges and Opportunities in the Post-Castro Era
Potomac Institute for Policy Studies December 16, 2016 Latin America’s multiple security challenges include organized crime, terrorism, migration, economic development, and threats to democratic governance. Experts with governmental, academic, and professional experience meet to discuss current a...
9/12 "From Data to Knowledge in Neuroscience: Building Toward Individualized Medicine"
The current wealth of data in neuroscience has the potential to lead to groundbreaking neuroscientific discoveries and revolutionize clinical treatments for mental health and neurological disorders. Combining neuroscience data with information in other data-rich fields, such as genomics, will make p...
The Potomac Institute for Policy Studies’ Center for Neurotechnology Studies

Cordially Invites You to Attend the First Newman Lecture for 2010  

January 29, 2010
The Potomac Institute for Policy Studies is pleased to present the first event in the John Henry Cardinal Newman Lecture series for 2010, chaired by Dr. James Giordano, director of the Center for Neurotechnology Studies.  The event is scheduled for Friday, January 29, and the speaker will be Prof. Kevin FitzGerald of Georgetown University Medical Center.  Prof. FitzGerald’s topic will be “Neuroscience, Genetics and Anthropology – an Integrative Approach.”    

In his lecture, Prof. FitzGerald will explore the premise that reducing the human to the merely biological prevents us from taking into account the rich tapestry of human experience.  He argues that scientific information alone – while critical -  cannot effectively apprehend or appreciate the extent of the human condition.  As a result, he proposes an integrative approach to the examination of what it means to be human:  one that integrates geno- and neuroscience with various philosophical, anthropological, sociological and theological perspectives.  Such an approach would also be more inclusive of different cultures and beliefs as it seeks to illuminate the nature of being, consciousness, and self-awareness.

Please join us for Prof. FitzGerald’s lecture at 3 pm on the 29th, to be followed by a wine and cheese reception at 4:30.  The event will be held at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, 901 North Stuart Street , Suite 200, Arlington VA, 22203, in the M-level conference room. For more information or to RSVP for the event, please contact Nancy Flynn at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 703-416-1441 ext. 127.