By Dr. James Giordano and M.V. Boswell
This book, edited and written by leading scholars in the field(s) of neuroscience, ethics, law and healthcare policy, provides a unifying perspective of how a philosophical understanding of pain and medicine gives rise to the ethics and policies of pain care. Toward these ends, the chapters shed light on how pain and the experience of the patient and clinician establish the moral obligations of pain medicine, and the conditions necessary to enact pain care on a global scale. In this context, the authors consider possible ethical systems and approaches that are important to, and viable for pain medicine, and provide perspectives into the ways that moral obligations and practical realties are wedded to (and should underscore) any and all practice guidelines, health policy, and laws. In these ways, this volume provides erudite discussions of how contemporary knowledge of pain could and should influence the moral values, and conduct, tenor and value(s) of medical practice, and how this knowledge might serve as a foundation upon which to construct policies toward a more meaningful, patient-centered pain medicine in the future.
About the Author
Editor, James Giordano, PhD is Professor of Neuroscience, Philosophy, and Ethics at the Institute for Psychological Sciences, Centre for Philosophical Psychology, and Fellow, Blackfriars Hall, University of Oxford, UK, and is the Director of the Center for Neurotechnology Studies, and Chair of the Academic Programs at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, in Arlington, VA (USA). His research is focused upon the molecular and behavioral neuroscience of pain and analgesia; the neurophilosophy of pain and mind, and the neuroethics of pain research and treatment. Editor, Mark V. Boswell, MD, PhD is Professor and Chair of the Department of Anesthesiology and Director of the International Pain Center, at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine, in Lubbock, Texas. His clinical and research interests focus upon neuroanesthesia, acute, chronic and neuropathic pain disorders, and the roles and practices of interventional pain management and palliative care.
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